Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December, 2010

So, all this month I have been pretty much feeling like this-

It has been a shitty month with what seems like blow after blow to my happiness, self esteem, and confidence in so many different ways by so many different people.

I hope the new year will be better than these past 3 weeks have been.

Thanks for letting me vent <3

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


So I haven't really posted anything in a while because my life has been consumed by FINALS. I am almost halfway through my college carreer, and therefore these past two weeks have been nothing but studying and writing essays. suckkkkkks. anywho, here is a cute picture to leave y'alls with. :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010


So we bought a ghetto trailer...i will post pics. I'm going to post pics of said ghetto trailer and as we fix it up I will post more. A before and after if you will. It's going to be epic! Cheers for being poor!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Occult Secrets of Jay Z, Kanye & Nas

This is crazy!! They using their music to almost like brainwash us!! They have people at their concerts throwing up the signs.....smh wow